Why Aquaculture and Why South Mississippi

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) states, “Although the sustainability of our domestic wild-capture fisheries continues to improve, we cannot meet increasing domestic demand for seafood through wild-caught fisheries alone. Over the past 30 years, global wild-capture fisheries have plateaued while aquaculture has become the fastest growing form of food production worldwide.” To capitalize on this opportunity in aquaculture for meeting the growing demand for seafood and create good jobs in our region, Gulf Blue’s Marine Aquaculture and Coastal Resilience Cluster Program (Aqua-Cluster), led by the University of Southern Mississippi has been established.

Our region’s advantages include existing strengths with Mississippi ranking 1st nationally in aquaculture (primarily freshwater) and 4th in seafood industry landings. Ensuring success by building on these advantages, the Aqua-Cluster will leverage our region’s geographic (proximity to the Gulf of Mexico), cultural (300+ years seafood industry history), and foundational institutions (key federal, state, university, small business and industry, and community stakeholders) to grow our emerging marine aquaculture industry sector. We will do this through the promotion of innovation, partnerships, and workforce development.

Wild Fisheries at Production Limit

Aquaculture only means to increase production

Strengthening U.S. Competitiveness: Aqua-Cluster Drives Innovation in Marine Aquaculture and Food Security

The U.S ranks only 18th in annual marine aquaculture production with China ranking 1st. NOAA notes it is critical that the U.S. “…expand the aquaculture industry. By growing our seafood locally, we can ensure a safe, secure, and sustainable local seafood supply. Marine aquaculture also creates jobs, supports resilient working waterfronts and coastal communities, and provides new trade opportunities1.” The U.S. dependence on imported seafood is not only a food security issue (access to healthy food) but also a national security issue. As part of the larger Gulf Blue Initiative, the Aqua-Cluster aims to promote food security, innovation, and emerging startups to strengthen our region and the overall U.S. competitiveness in the interrelated marine aquaculture, fisheries, and coastal resilience industry sectors.

A 4-month formal cohort accelerator program supporting scaling startups reach their next milestone with funding, access to physical infrastructure, expertise, and a supportive ecosystem of practitioners.

Big Ideas Out of the Blue

Visit our website at gulfblue.org

Get in Touch

Gulf & Ship Island Building
2605 13th Street
Gulfport, MS 39501


This project was paid for in part with federal funding from the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality under the Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States Act of 2012 (RESTORE Act).

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